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Key Stuck In Ignition? Simple Solutions to Fix It

Are you caught in a situation of crisis where you are unable to take keys to your car from the ignition? This is probably the reason why you’re here.

It’s not a great feeling to find yourself in this type of circumstance, since there’s always the risk that you may damage the lock within the ignition. This could cause plenty of stress and cost more than expected to be repaired.

Before you seek help, there are some things to look into to make sure that there aren’t any other reasons which keep your keys in the lock and prevent you from getting it out or turning it.

How to Remove a Stuck Key from the Ignition

1. Charge the car battery

The most common issue with keys not turning is that the car’s battery is not functioning or is at low voltage. Charge your car’s battery for a few minutes by using a battery charger for your vehicle to check if there’s an issue with low voltage. A lower voltage could trigger an ignition locking mechanism to fail to unlock the key. It’s also possible to make use of jumper cables that come from a different vehicle if you’re on the go and feel comfortable using them.

2. The Shifter in Park Position

If you own an automatic vehicle then you’ll have your shifter in the parking spot to remove the key of the ignition. This could result from a malfunctioning shifter switch inside the shifter, which causes the car to assume it’s in an alternate place than it actually is. Try to move it between neutral and park position, while pressing the brake pedal. Try to turn on the ignition switch one more time, and then take the key off.

Most cars come with the option of having a locking of the steering wheel. This feature prevents you from having to make a second time to take out the key. Switch off the ignition switch after which you can move the steering wheel before making an attempt to take the key off again. Try shifting the steering wheel forward and back while you attempt to remove the key.

3. Apply lubricant on the lock

If you’ve got any sort of spray lubricant try spraying the lock with the lubricant. Most of the time, when the ignition lock or key is damaged, there’s enough oil to spray inside its ignition. It’s a bit tricky because the key can block the door, but using the use of an air bottle with pipes, it’s feasible.

4. Make sure you jiggle the ignition

A method for removing stuck keys from the ignition is pressing the key cylinder with your index finger on your left hand and you jiggle your car key with your other hand. The key needs to be jiggled to move it forward to the ignition position and then return hundreds of times when you press the brake. If you’re lucky enough, it may be released at any time.

5. Examine the trouble codes

If you own an OBD2 device at home, you can try to analyze the trouble codes from different control units to determine if you have something wrong with your shifter, or any other fuse responsible for this issue. There are instances that you require an advanced diagnostic scanner to recognize the trouble codes produced through the ignition switch as well as the switch to immobilize.

6. Check the safety switch and push key

A large number of American and Japanese automobiles have an additional lock switch inside the ignition. It is necessary to insert the key, and then select the option to turn it until you can release the key. Be sure to refer to the guidebook for your vehicle to ensure that you’re following the proper procedure.

In certain cars, it is necessary to turn the key and push it as you turn it in order to release it.

7. Set up an appointment with an auto locksmith

If you’ve tried all the methods mentioned above, then you don’t have a choice but to call your auto locksmith. Contacting an auto locksmith can be more beneficial as compared to calling your mechanic or a dealer in your vehicle.

Your London auto locksmith offers an array of car keys as well as lock and ignition services for the most popular brands and models.

If you’re unable to take the key to your car from the ignition, or if you’re looking to return to your car swiftly, safely and without causing any damage You require an auto locksmith such as Easy Keys London to come to your

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