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Car Key Cutting – What to expect from the experts?

You’re not the first (and definitely not the last) person who loses a car key certainly. Keys for replacement can be lifesavers in the event that the original disappears, which is why it’s essential to keep an extra kept in a secure place. If you require fresh cut keys for your car after the loss or theft of your keys it is best to hire an expert to cut them for you.

If you are looking for auto locksmiths in your area anywhere within the London region, you’re certain to come across our name. The best place to find a brand new set of vehicle keys, in any scenario is UK Auto Locksmiths.

Here’s some more information on car keys cutting as well as what to be expecting of our professionals.

How Much Time Does It Take to Cut the Car Keys?

Most dealers will say that it takes about an hour to cut the keys. This is assuming that you already have all of the information that they need in order to make them. If you don’t have all of the information, then it could take longer since they may need to contact you for more details.

If you visit professionals, you could be able to get a brand new car key in just one hour. The cutting process typically takes between 20-30 minutes based on how complex your teeth are. Be aware that high-security keys can require a bit more time.

The latest step in cutting car keys is programming the fob to function with your vehicle. Transponder keys can be found in nearly all modern vehicles and need to be programmed to the machine’s signal. In addition to programming the process, it usually takes less than an hour to finish the cutting of a car key, and then be enjoying your time.

How Do I Cut Car Keys without the original key?

This is a question that many people have. The answer, however, is not as simple as one might think. There are a few different ways to do it, but the most common way is to use a key duplicator. A key duplicator takes the original key and creates a copy of it. This can be done with or without the original key present. However, there are some disadvantages to using a key duplicator. One is that it can be difficult to get a good copy if the original key is worn down or damaged in any way. Additionally, key duplication machines can be expensive, so they may not be an option for everyone.

Car keys lost can be a major issue for car owners all over the world, particularly if you don’t have spare keys. Of course, the ideal situation is to not be found without a copy of your keys; however, let’s face it that it’s possible to lose your keys.

If you’ve lost your only set of keys for your car A licensed auto locksmith professional is able to cut and programme a brand-new key. It is necessary to present the proof of ownership and identification However, the locksmith will provide you with the exact documents you need to supply.

Re-keying a car generally will cost a bit more than straight copying. Therefore, bear that in mind as asking for a price. Another option is to have more than one set of keys in order to avoid having to return!

What is the Cost to Remove Car Keys?

The price of cutting car keys is contingent on the kind of key you’ve got. A basic mechanical key will not exceed £10 to £15 however, a high-security laser cut key may cost upwards of £250.

Keys’ prices are quite low and a fob and transponder key (the most popular kind of car key sold within the UK) costing about £10.

However, some vehicles may require special tools or techniques that can increase the cost. For example, if the key is stuck in the ignition, the process may be more difficult and therefore, more expensive. Additionally, if the locks need to be replaced, this will also add to the overall cost. Ultimately, it is best to consult with a professional locksmith to get an accurate estimate of what it will cost to remove car keys from your specific vehicle.

UK Auto Locksmiths Standard prices are extremely competitive, especially when you consider the quality of the service they provide.

Can I get a Car Key Replacement Delivered to me?

It’s not always possible to travel to the office of an auto locksmith, particularly if you don’t have the car key! Some auto locksmiths provide mobile services and will visit you. If you own a spare lock, but you don’t have the time to travel to the office, make sure you have it prepared in case the locksmith needs to examine. They may also reprogram keys on the spot.

Mobile service is dependent on the specific circumstances since not all keys can be cut on site. The best method to learn more is to connect with a specialist and they will be able to answer your questions right there and afterwards.


If you are in need of cutting keys for your vehicle and need the highest quality service We are the right team for you. If you need to create copies of your keys to replace lost or damaged keys or want to completely change the lock system’s programming to create a new model, we can complete the task quickly, efficiently and at an affordable cost.

Contact Easy Keys anytime, and we’ll be there at any time in London in just 30 minutes!

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